We’re often asked to research less expensive options because our clients “don’t want to pay that much.” OH. That makes sense now, we thought you wanted to pay the highest price. Our mistake!
Customers want options. But they want a great deal even more. The more options you provide, the more complex your system needs to be. The more complexity you have, the more you have to charge. And people prefer low prices and simplicity to options, in many cases.
I’d like a smaller burrito at Chipotle. I don’t get that option. Smaller menu. Less time deliberating in line. A 30 person line moves EXTREMELY fast at Chipotle. The short menu means the line moves faster. The simple pricing (same for tacos, burrito, bowl, salad) makes their ordering process faster. And that means more customers move through the line and gives Chipotle the ability to be more price competitive. You want a smaller burrito? Ask them to cut it in half (spoiler alert: you’re gonna eat the other half at the same sitting.)
Professional service firms in IT often get muscled into providing options. Smaller sized engagements, more economical hardware. Accepting this request could mean a bad brand experience for your customer. “I don’t want to pay for that, I’d like a less expensive option” – me too, but I’m not going to sell you an option that’s going to make you upset with me later. Do you want the really good backup solution we know works, or the “might work but you need to remember x, y, & z” one with caveats?
EASY: If you’re afraid they might pick one of your options, don’t make it an option!
Offer fewer things, do fewer things, and do them better. “Is there a lower priced option?” Answer: “Yes, but we won’t sell it to you. Someone else might.”