It shows as fixed.
You believe it to be fixed.
Don’t say it’s fixed. Customers want you to, you want to. Don’t do it.
It’s not fixed IF:
the issue comes back
they believe it’s not fixed
it looked fixed but actually wasn’t
Make claims that you know to be 100% accurate. Some examples:
it appears to be working well now. Give it a try and let me know if you agree
it looks better but it’s possible it could just be temporary
we believe we’ve removed the threat but we’re going to need to keep an eye on it
it’s saying that the item is [completed/removed/repaired] so that’s encouraging, but it’s possible there are other issues that we don’t know about
If you’re right and just being cautious, then you were still factual. If you’re wrong and it’s actually not fixed, then your claim of “it’s fixed” won’t hurt your credibility. If the issue DOES return, you’ll go from “they didn’t solve it” to “they said this might happen”.
People want resolution and closure. Giving them reliable information is a better value in the long run.