If we have so many customers, how can we deliver prompt and reliable, consistent support? Will small clients have a different experience than larger ones?
You should have a great experience with our service, regardless of size.
We like to think of ourselves as a great restaurant: if you're dining just as one or two people, or a group of people in a back room, we want you to have an excellent experience.
Just like a popular restaurant, if you commit to an appointment, we'll hold a spot for you. Or if you don't reserve a spot and want last minute service, we'll give you the first opening, but there may be a wait. And if you're a "regular", then we'll try to get you your favorite table & waiter each time.
Here's how to ensure you get a great result from Mann:

Reserve an appointment early, don't wait until the last minute.
If you know you're hiring (or firing) someone in the next few days, call us now to schedule the time. Those appointments require advance notice and planning.
Get a monthly plan - you get the highest discount and the highest priority scheduling.
Pay your invoice promptly.
Give your account manager feedback at any time. We want to hear if you're pleased, and if you're not.
If you ever feel like you're not getting treated like a valued, important customer, tell us.